Module 1: Introduction to Negotiation

– Understanding the importance of negotiation skills in personal and professional contexts

– Exploring different types of negotiations: distributive, integrative, win-win, etc.

– Framing negotiation as a collaborative problem-solving process

– Identifying common negotiation pitfalls and challenges

– Setting goals and expectations for the negotiation training

Module 2: Preparation and Planning

– Gathering information and conducting research for negotiation

– Analyzing the interests, needs, and motivations of all parties involved

– Setting clear objectives and defining negotiation parameters

– Developing a negotiation strategy and anticipating potential outcomes

– Practicing effective communication and active listening skills

Module 3: Building Rapport and Communication

– Establishing rapport and building trust with the other party

– Developing effective communication techniques: verbal and non-verbal

– Managing emotions and maintaining a constructive negotiation environment

– Asking powerful questions to uncover interests and needs

– Practicing empathy and emotional intelligence in negotiations

Module 4: Problem Solving and Value Creation

– Generating options and brainstorming creative solutions

– Analyzing alternatives and evaluating their impact

– Identifying areas of value creation and maximizing mutual gains

– Developing the ability to trade and make concessions strategically

– Collaborating effectively to reach win-win outcomes

Module 5: Handling Difficult Situations and Closing the Deal

– Strategies for handling tough negotiators and difficult situations

– Overcoming common negotiation obstacles and impasses

– Negotiating effectively in multi-party and complex negotiations

– Drafting clear and enforceable agreements

– Developing skills for closing deals and managing Post-negotiation relationships

Each module includes interactive exercises, case studies, role plays, and simulations to practice and reinforce negotiation skills. Encourage participants to reflect on their negotiation experiences and apply the techniques learned. Provide feedback and coaching throughout the training to enhance participants’ skills. Have participants engage in group discussions to share insights and learn from each other’s experiences. Assess participants’ progress through mock negotiations and evaluate their ability to effectively apply the negotiation concepts and strategies taught.